Barefoot - Michelle Holman
In a tale woven with romance, suspense, and heart, Michelle Holman returns with Barefoot, a captivating sequel to her beloved novel, Bonkers. When Detective Sherry Jackson's sister, Lisa, is on the brink of becoming a mother, Sherry finds herself embroiled in family dynamics and unexpected challenges. As a police officer in New Zealand, Sherry is used to taking control, but nothing could prepare her for the emotional whirlwind of her sister's childbirth and the unresolved tensions that follow.
Enter Glenn, a professional basketball player with his own share of life's hurdles. Despite their differences, sparks fly between Sherry and Glenn, igniting a passionate, tumultuous relationship. As they navigate their burgeoning love amidst personal and professional trials, Sherry must confront her past and the shadows that threaten her future happiness.
Barefoot is a heartwarming and humorous journey of love, family, and finding the strength to stand tall even when life knocks you down.
With Holman's signature wit and vibrant storytelling, this novel is a celebration of resilience and the powerful bonds that unite us all.
EAN: 9781067007157