The Extraordinary Millionaire - Nicholas Wallwork
An Extraordinary Millionaire is someone who focuses on abundance, not just money. (Because, let's be honest, you can be stinking rich and still never feel like you have enough). It's someone who gives thanks for the life they have, while striving for the life they want. Someone who knows that mindset plays an enormous role in success, and shapes their thoughts accordingly. Someone who is continually learning, rather than kidding themselves that they know everything. Someone who has unlearned the harmful lessons about money that hold so many people back from a life of abundance. Someone who knows how to make money work for them, instead of working for money. Someone who builds mutually beneficial business relationships instead of pushing others down. Someone who gives back.
This book is a toolkit, full of practical tools and tips that have got me where I am today - a multi-millionaire property developer, mentor, TV personality and international For Dummies author. The techniques in this book are not a shortcut to success (if anyone promises you a shortcut to riches, they're probably about to rip you off). But they will absolutely help you get there. Yes, it'll take hard work, effort and commitment, but the results ... oh boy, the results are so worth it. Financial and lifestyle freedom (the freedom to work when you want, for example), building a more secure future for yourself and your loved ones, building an abundant life, fulfilling your potential, and showing your children (if you have them) a different path in life than the 'norm'. I could go on, but doesn't that sound good for starters?
But this book is not just about practical tools. I also wanted it to be inspirational, spurring you on to take your first steps towards becoming an Extraordinary Millionaire. That's why the book has more of a storytelling feel than you might find in other business books. I believe structuring these practical tools around a story allows them to be understood by absolutely anyone, regardless of where you are in life or what sort of business/financial experience you have.
EAN: 9781916572973