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True Crime Case Histories - (Books 13, 14, & 15) - Neal Jason
AutorzyNeal Jason
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True Crime Case Histories - (Books 13, 14, & 15) - Neal Jason

  • 12 Disturbing True Crime Stories of Murder and Mayhem
130,83 zł
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36 Disturbing True Crime Stories of Murder and Deception

Three Book Collection: Volumes 13, 14, and 15 of the True Crime Case Histories Series

Readers Love This Series - Over 8,000 Five-Star Reviews

Certain infamous cases have become household names for true crime fans: John Wayne Gacy, the Zodiac Killer, Richard Ramirez, Aileen Wuornos, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and the Golden State Killer, just to name a few.

Their horrific deeds have been extensively documented across various media platforms - from books and websites to podcasts, streaming series, and magazines. They represent some of the most depraved offenders humanity has ever encountered.

However, the True Crime Case Histories series focuses on more obscure cases that are equally disturbing, if not more so.

This compilation of 36 stories across three True Crime books contains deeply disturbing content. Unlike typical news reports or TV shows that often sanitize the details of heinous acts, these accounts present an unflinching look at the darkest corners of human behavior.

I've made a deliberate choice to include comprehensive, factual descriptions of these crimes, no matter how unsettling. I aim to provide readers with an authentic understanding of the killers' depraved actions, sparing no details.

In this collection, you'll find 36 True Crime stories from the last several decades. Many of which you may never have heard of.

A sampling of the stories includes:

Folly Beach - When teenage girls walking the windswept sands of a sleepy beach town begin to disappear without a trace, the quest to uncover a relentless predator reveals a fetish-fueled monster terrorizing the shores.

The Leaf Killer - After a single mother, her friend, and her two young children disappear from her home, police uncover an eccentric suspect with a strange obsession with leaves.

Web of Lies - When an all-American achiever's parents mysteriously disappear, investigators peel back layers of lies to reveal a disturbing truth behind the family's picture-perfect facade.

The Suitcase Killer - When a fisherman discovers a gruesome package floating in Chesapeake Bay, investigators are plunged into a twisted tale of love, betrayal, and murder. As they unravel the mystery behind a dismembered body, they expose the dark secrets of a seemingly perfect suburban family.

Plus, several more disturbing true crime stories.

EAN: 9781964613048
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Neal Jason
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