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20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities - Russell John

20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities - Russell John

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John's third book, "20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities," is a series of practical how-to lessons in psychic development that will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the learning process as you discover how to: successfully learn and practice psychometry; accurately interpret your dreams; begin to understand and read the Tarot cards; safely conduct your own seance; practice effective candle magic; make your own amulets and talismans; practice healing; record spirit voices; attract the perfect mate; and much more.

As an internationally known professional psychic John is frequently asked by his worldwide clientele, "How can I develop my own psychic abilities?" In response to those requests John has authored this book to help anyone to increase their own psychic powers, and to apply those powers in practical ways in order to better their lives and the lives of others.

The reader doesn't have to have any psychic knowledge or training to be able to use this book right away. The complete beginner can begin with the first chapter and learn to practice psychometry successfully, and then proceed through the book and learn other exciting, entertaining, and useful techniques. And someone with above average psychic abilities and understanding may still find some useful theory and knowledge that they can apply, as well as new food for thought.

From the foreword written by JV Johnson (Ghost Hunters TV show. Host - Paranormal IRL; Beyond Reality; The Independence Gang. publisher/editor of TAPS Para-magazine.): "In 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities, John offers the same guidance for any who look to broaden their spectrum of understanding. John presents a straightforward and eye-opening approach to unleashing your psychic potential. As he says, '...like all things, practice and consistency is key.' You will find him to be an inspiration as I have for the years I have known him. And, even though you may not have the chance to meet John personally, through his books and his words, you will find in him, as I did, a true friend." JV Johnson.

John Russell has been a professional psychic for 50 years. Internationally known, he has provided psychic readings for clients in over 40 countries. John filmed a TV pilot for The History Channel in which he psychically explored the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. For over 15 years he has been a popular featured guest, heard worldwide, on many radio shows and podcasts.

Over the last year and a half John has been interviewed over 100 times, including appearances on: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory - The Unexplained with Howard Hughes (UK) - FATE Magazine Radio with Kat Hobson - Beyond Reality with JV Johnson - Darkness Radio with Tim Dennis - Shifting the Paradigm with Cristina Gomez - The Unidentified Celebrity Review with Luis Jimenez; and many more.

Also available by John Russell: "Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead" and "A Knock in the Attic."

EAN: 9781977255273
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