The Runner - Lloyd Wendell Cutler
Synopsis: Dr. Bradley Peterson, now Captain Peterson, is volunteering in the US Army, continuing a long-held custom in his family history. He is a world-renowned pediatric brain surgeon whose craft, given to him by the Eternals, is a foreordained gift so that he may perform brain surgery on a small child genius who is to play a role of great consequence should the boy live and fulfill his destiny. At this time, Brad's army experiences place him in great danger, not only to himself but indirectly to all of mankind. He has no idea who he really is. In an uncertain world, perhaps the only person alive who can help him is a girl who used to run with him in high school; that is, before she ballooned to 275 pounds and became trapped in her own desperate condition.
Autobiography: Lloyd Wendell Cutler is a lifetime entrepreneur. Sadly, like so many others, Lloyd became obese. In the decade-plus that he has vigorously battled that obesity, he has lost more than 180 pounds, traversed the course of many different programs, and learned through endless days of sacrifice and work-just what it takes to succeed at weight management, fitness, and health. This journey formed the nexus of why he wrote The Runner, his first novel. Most of the things one needs to know about losing weight and getting in shape are included herein. Cutler resides in the South with his wife and son. His passions include family, friends, motorcycles, sports, reading, and writing.
EAN: 9781639459964