The Legacy Leader - Lauridsen Graeme
Welcome to a refreshing study of leadership in the modern era. The Legacy Leader will take you on a journey of discovery, embracing a new and innovative approach to building businesses and organisations of lasting significance.
Long gone are the days of autocratic and controlling leadership. Today's younger generation are not looking for a job but a cause. They are not motivated by money and job security alone but by purpose and meaningful mission. We are fast approaching a time when the leader with a story of adventure and heroism will have the competitive edge in attracting the best talent.
The Legacy Leader celebrates the kind of leadership that gets things done, creates more opportunities, influences lives, and leaves greater legacies.
If your business or organisation is struggling, has stalled, or has lost momentum, The Legacy Leader may hold the answers you are looking for. Throughout this book, I hope to demonstrate
that leadership is the primary skill a person needs to build and leave behind a legacy. If making a difference is your aspiration, strap yourself in and get ready to have your thinking challenged, and a fresh approach to leadership presented that you can embrace and implement from day one.
EAN: 9780987639424