Benji's Mountain Adventure - wa Ngugi Nducu
Pathfinders are interesting readers that entertain and enlighten. They have been deliberately written and designed to encourage reading of creative works. Reading of these stories should form a firm foundation for the elaborate study of literature. Benji and Jasper are home from Kamden Secondary School. They spend the first few days inventing new ways to have fun but soon run out of ideas. They do not want to spend their holidays holed up in Loki. They need adventure. So, when Benji's mother, Ela asks them to accompany her to visit her friend in Muli, they jump on the offer. In their search for adventure, the boys endure close calls with armed guards, the dangerous cliffs of the majestic Mt Tibuoria and the rumoured ghosts and demons lurking in the forest. That is not all. The mountain has one more surprise for the boys. It is their biggest test yet. Will they survive? Benji's Big Win, the first book in the Benji series, won the first prize in the Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature - Youth Category (2021).
EAN: 9789966567703