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Live the Life You Love - Linda Schaeffer

Live the Life You Love - Linda Schaeffer

  • Empowering Women Through Franchise Ownership
83,88 zł
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From one woman to another, it's time to invest in yourself! Live the Life You Love: Empowering Women Through Franchise Ownership serves not just as a guide to the journey into franchise ownership but, more importantly, as a compass to help women craft the life they aspire to lead.

In recent years, women have been choosing business ownership, driven by various factors, including societal changes, economic opportunities, and, notably, personal aspirations.

My aim is to demonstrate that regardless of your current life stage, avenues are available for you to realize your life's ambitions. At the very least, you'll gain insights into an industry with a longstanding history-a pathway to entrepreneurship where you're supported every step of the way.


"Simply put, Linda is really good at her job. She is thoughtful, calm, perceptive, and listens. For someone like me, who has no experience in the complex business of franchising, she makes you feel capable, smart, and guided. I would recommend working with Linda to anyone who is looking for a coach who feels like a friend. She has your best interests in Mind." ~ T. Khrestin

"Linda is fantastic to work with and I highly recommend working with her if you're interested in exploring franchising. She's super responsive, took the time to understand my needs, and provided great options that fit my requirements. She also provided great guidance and demonstrated that she had my best interests in mind throughout the process." ~ W. Rothbauer

"The process of finding a business to purchase can be daunting. Having a professional who gets to know you and works proactively to find the best fit is a rare find indeed. Am happy that we had Linda to be a partner, advocate, and advisor. Throughout the process, Linda helped guide us to the ideal acquisition. In addition to the benefit she provided, she displayed tremendous integrity throughout the process and well after the deal was done. She is a rare find in the industry; be sure to connect with her if you are in need of an A+ Franchise Advisor." ~ J. Lombardo

EAN: 9781950336722
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Linda Schaeffer
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