Composition Studies 52.1 (Spring 2024) - Davis Matt
The oldest independent periodical in the field, COMPOSITION STUDIES publishes original articles relevant to rhetoric and composition, including those that address teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; and, among other topics, preparing the field's future teacher-scholars. All perspectives and topics of general interest to the profession are welcome. We also publish Course Designs, which contextualize, theorize, and reflect on the content and pedagogy of a course. Contributions to Composing With are invited by the editor, though queries are welcome. CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 52.1 (Spring 2024): From the Editors: What Is the Future of Writing? | AT A GLANCE: Collaboration for Action: A Visual-ish Reflection by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle | ARTICLES: Pseudocommunity as a Limitation in Antiracist Faculty Professional Development by Mara Lee Grayson | Beyond the "Improvement Imperative": Writing to Change Oneself and the World in First Year Composition by Heather Lindenman, Margaret Chapman, Jennifer Eidum, Lina Kuhn, and Li Li | "I Don't Know How to Feel": Unpacking Emotion, Affect, and Educator Burnout in a Writing Classroom During Times of Crisis by Genie Nicole Giaimo | COURSE DESIGNS: Cooking Up Rhetoric: Exploring Rhetoric, Culture, and Identity through Food-Based Texts by Jennifer C. Mallette | First Year Writing for STEM Students: Promoting Awareness between Writing and Science by Marisa Brandt, June Oh, and Yukyung Lyla Bae | WHERE WE ARE: 10 YEARS OF COUNTERSTORY: Love, Alice: A CRT Writing Process (counter)Story by Aja Y. Martinez | A Theoretical Framework for Narrativizing Change with Literacy Infrastructures by Danielle Pappo | Counterstory: An Ongoing Need by LaKela Atkinson | Counterstory Now! by Elvira Carrizal-Dukes | Felicidades Alejandra: Celebrating Ten Years of Counterstories by Natalie Madruga | "I Don't Feel Sad Anymore. I'm Kinda Pissed": Academic Drag and CRT Counterstory in 2024 and Beyond by Tommy Mayberry | BOOK REVIEWS: Two-Year College Writing Studies: Rationale and Praxis for Just Teaching, edited by Darin Jensen and Brett Griffiths, reviewed by Alex Evans | Sensemaking for Writing Programs ' Writing Centers, edited by Rita Malenczyk, reviewed by Jeffrey Howard | English Across the Curriculum: Voices from Around the World, edited by Bruce Morrison, Julia Chen, Linda Lin, and Alan Urmston, reviewed by Maureen Johnson | Rhetorics of Overcoming: Rewriting Narratives of Disability and Accessibility in Writing Studies, by Allison Harper Hitt, reviewed by Ada Hubrig | Contributors | 2023 Composition Studies Reviewers
EAN: 9781643174839