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OSINT - Cynthia Hetherington
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OSINT - Cynthia Hetherington

  • The Authoritative Guide to Due Diligence
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Are you ready to become a master of online open-source due diligence with the guidance of a top industry expert?

"This book is an absolute must-have for security and intelligence professionals... "- Angel Villegas, US Army (Retired) / Flashpoint Intelligence

The Authoritative OSINT Guide to Business Due Diligence by Cynthia Hetherington is a comprehensive guide to the world of online investigations. This essential read is a treasure trove for anyone keen to delve into the realm of cyber intelligence, whether you're a newbie looking to protect personal interests, a seasoned business due diligence analyst who wants to catch up on the new tools, or a law enforcement or military professional who wants to transition into a new career in the private investigation realm. 


The Authoritative OSINT Guide skillfully covers all of the crucial topics, including researching open sources, understanding the ethical and legal aspects of online research, and mastering the art of crafting impactful intelligence reports. 

Whether you're embarking on a cybersecurity career, seeking to augment your existing skills, or acting to protect your interests, this book is an invaluable resource. Cynthia Hetherington, with her extensive experience and accolades in corporate intelligence and cyber investigations, provides insights that are both practical and profound. The Authoritative OSINT Guide is not just about learning techniques; it's about becoming part of a larger mission to make informed decisions and protect communities from digital threats. 

Get your copy today and level up!

"This book must be on the desk of every person who performs OSINT services. Cynthia spells out her and her team's secret sauce for making them the premier OSINT professional services firm in the world. Cynthia is hands-down the leader in OSINT methodology and training...and she is willing to share her experience and expertise with the OSINT world. This new book is Exhibit A!"--Dan Ramey, CPA, CFE, CFF, Houston Financial Forensics, LLC

About the Author: Cynthia Hetherington, Founder and CEO of Hetherington Group (Hg), is a renowned figure in cyber intelligence, specializing in due diligence, corporate intelligence, and cyber investigations. She is the founder of the OSINT Academy, a division of Hg, which trains thousands in various fields on best practices in cyber intelligence and has played a pivotal role in the National Cybersecurity Workforce Development Program. 

A passionate mentor and advocate, Ms. Hetherington contributes to various organizations aimed at protecting children from cyber exploitation and promoting women in technology, earning her recognition as the Women in IT USA's 2022 Security Leader of the Year and the 2023 Advocate of the Year.

EAN: 9781960299420
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Cynthia Hetherington
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Komiks dotarł w nieskazitelnym stanie - co jest tym bardziej warte odnotowania, ponieważ nie był firmowo zapakowany w folię. Tak więc pozdrawiam i polecam, Piotr Frontczewski.
Książka jest już u mnie. Chwilkę na nią czekałam, ale kupiłam ją, gdy jeszcze była w druku. Gdy tylko się ukazała, raz, dwa, trzy i pojawił się kurier z przesyłką. Teraz już czekam na wieczór, by móc zasiąść do lektury dzieła autorstwa fantastycznej dziewczyny, którą znam z parkrun. Pozdrawiam!