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Incredible Facts for Inquisitive Minds - Fred Flynn
AutorzyFred Flynn

Incredible Facts for Inquisitive Minds - Fred Flynn

  • Mind-Boggling Facts About Science, History, Pop Culture & The Weird World We Live In
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WARNING: This book may just make you the most interesting person in the room!

- Have you ever wondered why you get goosebumps?

- Or the reason why pirates wore eye patches? (HINT: It's NOT because they were missing an eye)

Buckle Up, Curious Minds!

Prepare for a roller coaster ride through the world of weird, wacky, and wonderful facts with

"Incredible Facts For Inquisitive Minds: Mind-Boggling Facts About Science, History, Pop Culture ' The Weird World We Live In"

Get Ready To Uncover:

  1. Why Einstein always took naps with a spoon in his hand
  2. The scientific explanation for why cats purr
  3. The reason Beethoven used exactly 60 beans for his cup of coffee
  4. How astronauts use the loo in zero gravity
  5. The loudest sound ever recorded in history
  6. Why Nikola Tesla was obsessed with the number 3
  7. A special jellyfish that can live...forever.

Here's a Sneak Peak Into Some of the INCREDIBLE Chapters Included:

  1. Inventions You Never Knew Existed
  2. Eccentric Quirks of Brilliant Minds
  3. Secret Operations You Didn't Know Happened
  4. A Look into the Secret World of Monarchies
  5. Unusual Habits of World-Class Athletes
  6. Weird ' Wonderful Animals
  7. Dictators ' The Dark Side of Power
  8. And much, MUCH more!

Dive headfirst into this rabbit hole of knowledge, and you'll emerge as the undisputed trivia king or queen.

Whether you're reading it cover to cover or flipping to random pages, you're in for a wild ride of discovery.

So, buckle up, fasten your thinking cap, and prepare to have your mind BLOWN!

More Info About This Captivating Encyclopedia of the Unusual!

Whether you're a trivia enthusiast or just looking for the next awesome conversation starter at your next family gathering, this book is your perfect guide to the weird, wonderful, and bizarre.

Inside, you'll find everything from unbelievable animal facts and amazing scientific discoveries to bizarre cultural practices and extraordinary inventions. It's a brilliant mix of humor, creativity, and mind-blowing information that makes it the best gift for every curious mind. Whether for Christmas, birthdays, or as a stocking stuffer, it's guaranteed to entertain both young and old.

Each chapter delivers fun and fascinating facts designed to educate and impress your friends and family.

Make sure you scroll up and click that "Buy Now" button to let the trivia extravaganza begin!

EAN: 9781922590596
Kod produktu
Rok wydania
Fred Flynn
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