Lewis Alexander - Dream Songs & Other Poems - Alexander Lewis
Lewis G. Alexander - Dream Songs ' Other Poems
Forgotten Poets #14 / forgottenpoets.substack.com
Dream Songs ' Other Poems [104 pages] brings together, for the first time, a comprehensive collection of Harlem Rennaissance poet Lewis Alexander's poems, including 46 of Alexander's haiku, 8 tanka, and a generous selection of free and rhymed verse, originally published in prominent African American arts magazines throughout the 1920s, like Opportunity, The Crisis, The Messenger, Fire!!, etc. Also including two essays by Alexander, one on haiku (1923) and one on poet Georgia Douglas Johnson (1928); with restored cover art, and illustrations by Aaron Douglas.
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-: Night :-
The moonlight
Juice flowing from an over-ripe pomegranate
The cossack-crested palm trees:
The leopard spotted shade
inciting fear
silence seeds sown . . .
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Forgotten Poets presents new collections of out-of-print and obscure poetry, with a focus on compressed ' fragmented 'free' and 'new' verse from the late-1800s ' early-1900s, ' the early history of English-language tanka ' haiku. Verses are carefully selected ' spaciously laid-out, adorned with illustrations ' ornaments from the books ' magazines they originally appeared in.
EAN: 9781991310064