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Jim Cummings Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery - Frank Pinkerton A.

Jim Cummings Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery - Frank Pinkerton A.

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"Jim Cummings: Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery" by A. Frank Pinkerton is a riveting novel that blends detective fiction with historical intrigue. Set in the 19th century, Pinkerton's masterful storytelling introduces readers to the enigmatic detective, Jim Cummings, as he embarks on a thrilling investigation surrounding the infamous Adams Express Robbery. As a work of fiction rooted in historical events, Pinkerton expertly navigates the intricate web of crime and mystery, weaving together a narrative brimming with suspense and intrigue. Through meticulous attention to detail, readers are transported to a bygone era, where the allure of adventure and the perils of deception collide. The novel unfolds as Cummings delves deep into the heart of the robbery, unraveling clues and untangling a complex web of deceit. With each twist and turn, Pinkerton keeps readers on the edge of their seats, skillfully building tension and suspense until the final revelation. "Jim Cummings" is more than a mere detective novel; it is a gripping tale of greed, betrayal, and redemption set against the backdrop of a tumultuous era in American history. With its captivating blend of historical fiction and thrilling suspense, Pinkerton's masterpiece captivates audiences and leaves them eagerly anticipating each turn of the page.

EAN: 9788197153945
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Frank Pinkerton A.
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