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Essential Leadership - Harris Thomas R

Essential Leadership - Harris Thomas R

  • 65 Lessons Every Leader Needs to Know
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What if what you've been taught about leadership is wrong or (incomplete)?

With today's mass amount of information in books, blogs, social media, and videos, many people are calling leadership many things - and much of what they say about leadership is wrong.

This confusion about leadership sets many down a path of mediocre leadership (or worse), and they don't even realize it - because it's what they've been taught. 

Essential Leadership is about clarifying what leadership is and what it takes to be a great leader, whether you are an executive or CEO, a manager, a small business owner, a boss, or even if you don't have a position but just want to learn how to lead.

Essential Leadership dives into:

  1. The basics of what leadership is, its purpose, and the difference between leadership and management
  2. The right mentality to have as a leader (and the common ones that you should avoid)
  3. The misconceptions many have about leadership (and the truths you need to know)
  4. The truth about leadership styles that many miss
  5. Why your preferences and strengths don't matter as much as you think they might
  6. How to communicate effectively so that you build greater trust and get greater results
  7. How to show appreciation and give feedback effectively
  8. The importance of culture and the building blocks of building a great one
  9. What it really takes to motivate your employees
  10. How to hire and fire well
  11. How leaders mess up decision-making, and how to do it well
  12. How to run effective meetings
  13. How to deal with mistakes the right way
  14. How many get delegation wrong and how to do it right
  15. Why charisma isn't needed for leadership
  16. Why consensus is not your friend
  17. Where bureaucracy comes from and what to do instead
  18. And more

In Essential Leadership, Thomas weaves his experiences as a leader and a follower with insights pulled from many great authors and speakers including Jocko Willink, Simon Sinek, Michael Abrashoff, David Marquet, Jim Collins, Julie Zhou, Adam Grant, John Maxwell, Patrick Lencioni, Alex Hormozi, Kim Scott, Charles Duhigg, Kevin Kruse, Jim McCormick, Daniel Pink, General Stanley McChrystal, Brené Brown, Ray Dalio, and more.

If you want to know the truth about leadership and what it really takes to be a great leader, or if you want to help your team and managers learn to lead well, make sure to get this book ASAP.

EAN: 9781732769748
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Rok wydania
Harris Thomas R
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