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Performance Is Key - Vincent F. Cotter
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Performance Is Key - Vincent F. Cotter

  • Connecting the Links to Leadership and Excellence
Cena regularna360,98 zł
358,24 zł
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Nationally, teachers, administrators, school board members and other stakeholders are increasingly concerned about the status of student achievement. Lawmakers have often sought "silver bullet" and "quick fix" solutions to the complex problem of improving school performance with little or no impact. Performance is Key "opens the door" to Connecting the Links to Leadership and Excellence by providing the essential elements necessary to reach higher performance levels but is also diagnostic and prescriptive in identifying the disconnections that impede higher performance and provides practical solutions through a framework for improvement along with associated success strategies. Practitioners and aspiring leaders will appreciate not only the rationale for immediate action but the systemic approach to excellence. Dr. Vince Cotter and Dr. Bob Hassler recognize that it is often the subtle nuances of how and what we do that can make a difference between success and failure. Too often reflection is overlooked in its potential to assess the status of an organization and its ability to provide direction to leaders in moving an organization toward higher performance. Poignant and thought provoking questions assist to position a leader's thinking, overview and focus on performance. Performance is Key also recognizes that real sustainable solutions are internally developed in a collaborative manner and that all schools and districts have the capacity to improve performance outcomes. To further assist educational leaders, a framework and an assessment instrument "crosscheck" the operational nature of key elements for success among school and district stakeholders. While common "pitfalls" to higher performance are noted, leaders are provided with a host of practical tools, strategies and recommendations to overcome obstacles, build internal support and to reach higher levels of performance. Performance is Key will demonstrate the importance of utilizing the four essential elements in a coordinated and collaborative manner and how leaders can execute implementation plans which incorporate those elements in a synergistic way that will lead to high performance. In an effort to make improved performance a reality, professional development activities are provided in the form of worksheets and leadership exercises to build a culture of continuous improvement and a belief that each and every school has the internal capacity to reach excellence.

EAN: 9781475840162
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Vincent F. Cotter
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