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Daughters & Love and a Locomotive - Joann Klusmeyer
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Daughters & Love and a Locomotive - Joann Klusmeyer

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VOLUME 2 ANTHOLOGY (6 volumes in all). Faith ' Family Friendly-

- Daughters (novella 1): Sudden widowhood left her totally unprepared, just as most things in her life had done. It had not been her fault, but it would truly be her fault if she condemned her daughters to the same life. And she wasn't going to let that happen...no matter the cost.

- Love and a Locomotive (novella 2): Lennie M. Marshall was named after Grandad, Leonard Marshall. By age 12, Lennie could shoot a rattler at 50 yards and was as fearless as a badger. Reading, writing, and thinking fast came easy, and Lennie was fleet of foot, strong and able, and looked out for others too. And boy did Lennie love trains. In fact, Lennie decided to become a security guard on the Mountaineer and ride the train all the way to Memphis and back, taking care of all the passengers. There was just one thing...Lennie Marie Marshall was a girl! And no girl had ever been a security guard on the Mountaineer.

-ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ms. Joann Klusmeyer is the daughter of pioneer missionary parents. She grew up in rural Arkansas and learned and served in the little country church her father built and then pastored. She later moved to Oklahoma and now resides in an area settled by the Great Land Rush of 1889.

Ms. Klusmeyer is a prolific author with over 50 titles to her credit (and counting). Her family-friendly children's book series include The Great I AM Bible Story Series for Kids, The Young Pioneers Adventure Series for Kids, The Wentworth Triplets Mystery Series for Young Teens, and Footsteps in the Canyon Adventure Series for Young Teens.

Ms. Klusmeyer's historical fiction series for adults, set between the 1880s and the 1920s, include The Burnt Tree Junction Series, The Ozark Mountain Series, Taming the Wilderness Series, The Sheltering Stones Series, and The Trilogy of Wishbone Hollow.

-ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Innovo Publishing LLC is a Christian publisher located near Memphis, TN. Since 2008, Innovo has been publishing quality books, eBooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, film, and online and physical curricula that support the Great Commission, equip believers, and help create a positive Christian worldview. Innovo's capabilities and global reach provide Christian authors, artists, and ministries access to the world for Christ. To learn more about Innovo Publishing, visit our website at innovopublishing.com. To connect with other Christian Creatives and to learn best practices for creating, publishing, marketing, and selling Christian titles, visit the Christian Publishing Portal at cpportal.com.

EAN: 9781613146781
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Joann Klusmeyer
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