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Unleash Her Wild - Hull Akaiy'ha
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Unleash Her Wild - Hull Akaiy'ha

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Woman. Sister. Wild lives in you.

Untamed. Raw. Powerful. Wild is locked inside. And she is rattling the cage.

The key to creating the life that you desire is the same key that will set you both free.

The story of the Wild Woman is the story of Women's Reclamation of our Creative Power, Ancestral Wisdom, and Sacred Sexuality - our Birthrights.

A few thousand years ago, the world turned away from the Sacred Feminine, her statues were buried, and her stories burned and exiled. We Women had to keep our Wild locked in the underground caves of our being, because we didn't feel safe to let her out.

It is time that we Unleash our Wild - gathering with Women in Circle, following our intuition, living in cyclicality, releasing feelings of unworthiness, and connecting deeply to the Sacred gardens of Love, Sensuality, and Sexuality that are held in our Hearts and Wombs.

Inside this rare guide to the wildness within you, you'll find everything you need to embrace your creative and intuitive instincts.

You'll discover:

  1. A thorough insight into what "Wild" is - and why your body already knows
  2. The significance of the Moon and the seasons... and how you dance in their cycles
  3. How to use the Creative Birthing Wheel to create the life you desire in a way that feels easy and uses your energy wisely
  4. Deeper insight into the phases of Womanhood (with questions to ask yourself to open you up to reflection and insight)
  5. Effective ways to get in touch with your intuition and connect yourself to your Feminine energy
  6. Why it's important to reconnect with your Womb... with the little-known Sacred self-care practices that will open the door for you
  7. How to use the Wheel of Fulfillment to achieve wholeness and balance
  8. The 2 emotions you've been taught to suppress - and why releasing them is essential to unlocking your true self
  9. A gentle yet powerful guide to reclaiming your Sexual Sovereignty... and the reason it's been lost
  10. Why death isn't the monster you've been taught it is... and how to recognize its lessons and feel peace in life
  11. Honest and raw stories from the author that illustrate the enlightening journey into the Wild

And much more.

EAN: 9781998287079
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Hull Akaiy'ha
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