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The Heroes in Our Classrooms - Cheri Dixon
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The Heroes in Our Classrooms - Cheri Dixon

  • Unforgettable Stories from Teachers Who Believe in the Power of Education
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The Heroes in Our Classrooms: Unforgettable Stories from Teachers Who Believe in the Power of Education is written for future and current teachers who want to remember why they joined the calling of the teaching profession. This book lets you explore the power of a teacher. It's a compilation of stories from some amazing teachers that marvel at understanding their calling and showing up each day to have an impact on the future of our children.

The book's contents are deeply rooted in circumstances that shaped the authors decisions to respond to their calling and join the world of public education, and in return, rendered valuable takeaways for all teachers out in the world who are making it happen! As you read this book, you will learn:

  1. The importance of believing in children and their ability to become productive citizens in the future.
  2. The motivation behind these women who understand that teaching is truly a calling, and the importance of showing up each and every day for the students.
  3. Nuggets of great advice that will help you immediately in your classroom.

All chapters were authentically written and represent each author's experiences that show their love of working and supporting children as they grown and learn in the classroom. It renders how effective teaching practices served as steppingstones to fostering a classroom environment that supports all students on their learning journey.

Join us on our path to supporting public education and teachers all over the world as we share our unforgettable stories from teachers who believe in the power of education.

Join Cheri Dixon, as well as 7 amazing authors in The Heroes in Our Classrooms.

  1. Cheri Dixon
  2. Margie Steinberg
  3. Jennifer Weeks
  4. Dr. Rachel Alex
  5. Dr. Denise Mustin
  6. Megan Gray
  7. Joanne de la Garza
  8. Ursula Doyle

Cheri Dixon Consulting LLC was founded by Cheri Dixon in 2023 as she was making a transition as an elementary principal into the world of entrepreneurship. Cheri's goal is to continue to impact the world by supporting those who are empowered to help others on their journey to success. She is the host of Strong: Inside and Out podcast and Confident, Courageous, and Clear with Cheri, and the recently released documentary, Somewhere on the Spectrum, as well as an Amazon best-selling author. Cheri believes that the leader in any organization is the key to its success and supports women leaders to build and grow their leadership skills so that they can become the leaders they were born to be. This movement is to universally impact teachers in whatever stage of their career, to remember why they started their journey in education, and persevere through all the ups and downs of the educational journey.

EAN: 9781960136879
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Cheri Dixon
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