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Ugolino And Other Poems (1865) - Sybil
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Ugolino And Other Poems (1865) - Sybil

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Introduction: Ugolino and Other Poems is a collection of poems written by Sybil, an English poetess, and published in 1865. The book contains a total of 38 poems that are divided into four sections, each dealing with a different theme. Section 1: Historical Poems The first section of the book contains poems that deal with historical events and figures. The most prominent poem in this section is Ugolino, which is based on the story of Count Ugolino, a nobleman who was imprisoned and starved to death in a tower with his children. The other poems in this section deal with other historical events such as the fall of Troy, the Crusades, and the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Section 2: Poems of Nature The second section of the book contains poems that celebrate the beauty of nature. The poems in this section are inspired by the English countryside and the changing seasons. They are filled with vivid descriptions of landscapes, flowers, and animals. Section 3: Poems of Love The third section of the book contains poems that deal with the theme of love. These poems explore various aspects of love, such as the joy of falling in love, the pain of heartbreak, and the enduring nature of true love. Section 4: Poems of Faith The final section of the book contains poems that deal with the theme of faith. These poems explore the poet's relationship with God and their belief in divine providence. They are filled with religious imagery and expressions of devotion. Conclusion: Ugolino and Other Poems is a collection of poems that showcases Sybil's versatility as a poet. The book contains poems that deal with a wide range of themes, from historical events to the beauty of nature, from love to faith. The poems are written in a lyrical and evocative style that captures the reader's imagination and emotions. Overall, Ugolino and Other Poems is a must-read for anyone who appreciates poetry and wants to experience the beauty of the English language.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781437359268
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