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A Teacher, A Coach, A Man - Joe Horan
AutorzyJoe Horan

A Teacher, A Coach, A Man - Joe Horan

  • The Journey to the Heart
51,64 zł
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Discover the profound insights and transformative journey of Joe Horan, also known as "Coach Joe", in his captivating memoir. "A Teacher, A Coach, A Man: The Journey to the Heart" delves deep into the minds of educators, coaches, and community workers who strive to make a difference in the lives of today's youth.

Within the pages of this book, Coach Joe shares his personal quest to connect with the hearts of students, aiming to become a positive influence that transcends the classroom. He candidly reveals his own realization of the need to rediscover and reconnect with his own heart, paving the way for profound personal growth. The creation of the groundbreaking Building Men Program emerges as a result of Coach Joe's experiences and insights.

Drawing from his own journey, Coach Joe imparts the wisdom that to effectively guide young people, one must first know and understand their own heart and story. Through sincere exploration of his own experiences, he has evolved into a leader who truly impacts the lives of young men participating in his classes, teams, and the Building Men Program. This memoir serves as an invitation to embark on a parallel journey, as Coach Joe delves into the depths of his life story, confronting biases related to gender, class, and race, and experiencing a profound transformation that heals his heart.

Join Coach Joe on this transformative odyssey, as he encapsulates the essence of what it means to be a teacher, a coach, and an influential youth worker. Through his narrative, you will find inspiration to reconnect with your own heart, fostering lasting and meaningful impacts on the relationships in your life.

"A Teacher, A Coach, A Man: The Journey to the Heart" is a powerful memoir that resonates with educators, coaches, and community workers seeking to make a genuine difference in the lives of youth. Step into Coach Joe's world, embrace the transformative power of introspection, and embark on your own path towards creating a positive impact in the lives of those you serve.

EAN: 9781958233085
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Joe Horan
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