For the innovative development of society, an organizational solution has been found, which, continuing its optimization, modification and improvement, is, judging by the first results, the most encouraging and promising.This solution is the organization of the so-called technological incubators, where new ideas are crystallized and brought to the level of perfection and commercial readiness determined by the market.This phenomenon in the technological development of society emerged 20 years ago in Israel, at the moment after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when thousands of former Soviet specialists, with their ideas and unfulfilled hopes under socialism, joined the army of people looking for a way out of their technical and commercial initiative.At the same time, the era of high technologies was beginning in the Western countries and the arrival of fresh specialists, well trained professionally and carriers of high technical culture and productive professional skills, allowed at the beginning of this process to correctly formulate the main goals and objectives for the organization of the first innovative structures, which were called by analogy with greenhouses.