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Road Tripping the Great River Road - Dean Klinkenberg
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Road Tripping the Great River Road - Dean Klinkenberg

  • Volume 1: 18 Trips Along the Upper Mississippi River
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Updated for 2024!

Looking for the ultimate adventure along the Mighty Mississippi? Look no further! The third edition of this comprehensive travel guide will take you on a journey through the heart of America, showcasing the rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty of this iconic waterway. From the bustling cities of the Twin Cities and St. Louis to the peaceful backwaters of the Driftless Area, you'll discover something new and exciting at every turn. Packed with insider tips and local insights, this guide is the perfect companion for your journey down the Mississippi.

Explore the quiet spaces and bustling places along the Great River Road, from historic small towns to culturally rich big cities. Find out which hikes come with dramatic views of the Mississippi River and which day cruises offer the best chance to spot wildlife. Get recommendations about which museums are worth your time and where to find good local music. Discover which festivals offer quirky fun, and where to sample regional food specialties such as a juicy lucy, wild rice and walleye, and gooey butter cake.

The book includes:

  1. 18 regional tours from northern Minnesota to southern Illinois
  2. Local and regional history
  3. Parks and recreation areas to hike and camp at along the Mississippi River
  4. Tips to save you time and money
  5. How to get on the river (outfitters, cruises)
  6. Where to eat and sleep at locally owned establishments

So come along and explore the magic of the Mighty Mississippi!

Author Dean Klinkenberg has been exploring the places along the Mississippi River and the Great River Road since 2007. He's found a wealth of underappreciated treasures awaiting visitors.

Are you ready to explore one of the best American road trips? Buy Road Tripping Along the Great River Road and start your trip today.

EAN: 9781735242811
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Dean Klinkenberg
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