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SEX, SEXUALITY & RELATIONSHIPS (A Workbook That Helps You To Learn More About Your Personality, Physiology, Biology & Psychology Within Your Relationships...) - Christine Thompson-Wells
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SEX, SEXUALITY & RELATIONSHIPS (A Workbook That Helps You To Learn More About Your Personality, Physiology, Biology & Psychology Within Your Relationships...) - Christine Thompson-Wells

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Relationships are an essential part of human existence, playing a crucial role in our survival, personal growth, health, well-being, and renewal. However, in today's fast-paced world, the true value of human relationships is often overlooked. To shed light on this important topic, the author of many life skills books, professional speaker, educator, and relationship expert, Christine Thompson-Wells, has released her latest book and now she presents this course to you, both are entitled, 'Sex, Sexuality ' Relationships'. In the thought-provoking book and through the course, Christine delves into the myths and misconceptions surrounding human relationships, particularly in the context of sex and sexuality. Through her extensive research and personal experiences, she uncovers the truth about these topics and emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of how our physiology, biology, and psychology work within each relationship. One of the key objectives of 'Sex, Sexuality ' Relationships' is to highlight the importance of human relationships for personal growth and well-being. Christine believes that today, where technology and social media dominate our lives, we have become disconnected from the true essence of relationships. She argues that true growth and renewal can only occur in relationships when we have meaningful connections with others. While change can be painful, Christine emphasizes that it is also a time of growth and personal regeneration. Through her book and online course, she hopes to inspire readers to re-evaluate their relationships and make positive changes for their well-being. 'Sex, Sexuality ' Relationships' is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the true value and importance of human relationships in today's world. 'Sex, Sexuality ' Relationships' is now available worldwide in bookstores and online. For more information, visit www.how2books.com.au website or follow her on social media. This book is not just a guide to better relationships, but a reminder of the fundamental role they play in our lives. Don't miss out on this eye-opening read that will leave you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for human relationships. Christine


EAN: 9780645968064
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Christine Thompson-Wells
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