KNOWING YOU - Michael Fuggetta
This is a letter to my wife about our lives after she passed from this world. The purpose is to ease my grief by honoring our lives together and to show others that true love exists, Soulmates exist, Angels exist, God exists, and life is short so make the most of the time you have finding and holding on to love. Ultimately within the context of this book, it teaches us to love, what the meaning of true love is, how to live a life of love, make memories, and that nothing happens by coincidence if one opens up to see the signs. The signs are all around us. If you do open yourself up to it all, Angels will reveal themselves to you and God's plan will unfold in front of you. Conclusion: She was an Angel before she was born into this world, she was an Angel in this world and is again an Angel beyond this world. I see now that my prayers were answered and I'm grateful for the time I had.
I'll see you soon Honey. I love you, still, always.
EAN: 9781961619647