10 to Win - Thomas Dale Smith
"10 to Win" by Dale Smith Thomas is an engaging and insightful guide that revolves around the powerful concept of the number '10'. The core of the book is built on simple yet effective techniques that can be completed in just 10 minutes, alongside exercises like identifying 10 things that bring you happiness. Dale's invitation to her readers is clear: break free from old patterns, learn from past experiences, and set a strong foundation for a life filled with confidence, respect, and meaningful connections. This essential read is perfect for anyone on the path to enhancing their relationship with themselves and others, offering practical and impactful strategies, all within the unique framework of Dale's '10-minute' philosophy. "10 to Win" is more than a book; it's a transformative journey, led by the insightful, empowering, and conversational guidance of Dale Smith Thomas.
EAN: 9780976017714