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A Hoosier's Journey - Donald J. Almquist
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A Hoosier's Journey - Donald J. Almquist

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At age 17, I went home from work and told my mother that I had received an appointment to study engineering at GMI. She said, "I didn't know you wanted to be an engineer." I said, "I do today!" I didn't even know where GMI was located. On October 1, 1951, I entered Flint, Michigan to start my education with General Motors Institute.

When Dad died, Mother was not employed. She said we were all going to stay together. The state would separate us if we couldn't survive without Dad. I can still see her taking a knife and putting a slit in the top of that baking powder can, and we all contributed to it. We all put whatever we could earn in that can.

During Mother's last year, I would go over to see her, and she always wanted me to take something home. When I was checking her food supply, I found the baking powder can. I told her I would like to have it. She said there were a number of times she would look into it and see a dime, which meant she would have to be creative for supper. We never went hungry. She was one of my two most admired ladies. I married the other one.

In March 1990, I flew into Moscow. All of the flights from out of the country came into Moscow in those days. After we landed, the intercom came on and asked for me. I remember this scared me. I wondered what was wrong. When I arrived in Tolyatti, two of my engineers met me and said, "Lets take a walk." I thought this was strange since it was raining. They said you couldn't talk in the rooms; they were bugged. They told about a session where they were planning the next phase of their work. The next morning the Russian engineers acted as if they had been in the meeting.

Don Almquist has traveled the world doing business for GM. In this memoir starts with life on a small farm in Indiana, continues through his education and career at both Delco Remy and Delco Electronics Corporation. He talks of his personal life and career with stories from all over the world. He shares his beliefs on management and leadership and reflects on the last 90 years.

EAN: 9781665757423
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Donald J. Almquist
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