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Happy Hour - Elissa Bass
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Happy Hour - Elissa Bass

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112,82 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Odroczone płatności. Kup teraz, zapłać za 30 dni, jeżeli nie zwrócisz

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W ciągu 30 dni od zakupu płacisz PayPo za swoje zakupy bez żadnych dodatkowych kosztów. Jeśli chcesz, rozkładasz swoją płatność na raty.

KK Rhinehart finds an unfamiliar iPhone in her husband's car, and what she discovers on it ends her 25-year marriage. At the age of 55, and already feeling wrecked physically and mentally by menopause, she's ready to give up. Desperate to hide, she retreats to her family's Cape Cod summer beach house in the off-season.

But KK's two siblings and her two closest friends refuse to let her waste away on the couch. Their over-the-top support ranges from makeovers to hot yoga. Then, she meets bartender Jay. With beautiful eyes and big hands, KK calls the much younger man "Surfer Guy" and can barely string a sentence together around him, but what she thinks is a one-sided, silly crush turns into intense interest from Jay.

KK might be able to find her joy again, but before that happens, she must navigate viral TikTok videos, a national debate on reverse age-gap dating, heartbreaking loss, and a whole lot of kitchen dancing. In this hilarious, inspirational take on love with a younger man, mid-life changes have never been this much fun.

"HAPPY HOUR is a sparkling novel with one of the bravest, most fascinating heroines you'll ever meet. KK Rhinehart faces heartbreak head-on, with humor to combat the self-doubt, with the help of amazing friends, and with a most unexpected and wildly exciting chance at new love. Elissa Bass has created indelible characters, psychologically rich and true. She writes with wit and irony, with an open heart, and with the ability to make this poignant story in a seductive seaside setting read like a thriller. I couldn't stop turning the pages, and I'll admit that I was beaming through tears more than once. HAPPY HOUR has just become one of my favorite novels!"

~ Luanne Rice, New York Times bestselling author of thirty-seven novels, including her most recent, "Last Night."

EAN: 9781665756747
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Elissa Bass
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Realizacja zamówienia sama w sobie przebiegała bez zarzutu więc mocne 5. Szybko i prosto. Ale minus 1 gwiazdka za firmę kurierską przez którą paczka dotarła dwa dni później. Całokształt na 4. Skorzystam jeszcze nie raz z usług tej księgarni
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