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Healer - Tom Cahue
AutorzyTom Cahue

Healer - Tom Cahue

  • The Conflilct of a Gift
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In "Healer," Daniel Knight, a criminal psychologist with a unique gift, finds himself in the center of a high-stakes investigation into a series of gruesome murders. Set in Alexandria, the story delves into the moral complexities of Daniel's extraordinary ability-a gift that allows him to absorb and mend the psychological wounds of those around him.

As Daniel navigates the interrogation of a prime suspect, he grapples with the ethical implications of his powers. Through Daniel's extraordinary interrogation techniques, the narrative plunges into the depths of the killer's traumatic past, unraveling a harrowing tale of abuse, neglect, and psychological torment. As Daniel delves deeper, he is forced to confront his own identity as a healer and the impact of his actions on both himself and the ones he loves.

The story unfolds against the backdrop of Daniel's personal struggles, as he battles with the toll of absorbing others' trauma and the blurred line between healing and manipulation. As the investigation progresses, Daniel's resolve is tested, leading to a gripping climax where he must confront the darkness within himself and the evil organization determined to use his powers for their own benefit.

"Healer" is a gripping tale of suspense and psychological intrigue, exploring themes of justice, redemption, and the complexities of human nature. With its compelling characters, intricate plot twists, and thought-provoking narrative, the novel promises to captivate readers and leave them questioning the nature of morality and the power of empathy.

EAN: 9781649539885
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Tom Cahue
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Polecam z czystym sercem - sprawna obsługa, konkurencyjna cena, bardzo szybka wysyłka. Trzy razy tak :)
Realizacja zamówienia sama w sobie przebiegała bez zarzutu więc mocne 5. Szybko i prosto. Ale minus 1 gwiazdka za firmę kurierską przez którą paczka dotarła dwa dni później. Całokształt na 4. Skorzystam jeszcze nie raz z usług tej księgarni