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The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60 - Publications JFD

The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60 - Publications JFD

  • Elevate Mobility, Flexibility, and Balance to Improve Posture and Alignment | Includes 90+ Video Tutorials!
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Simple, fast, and effective - 3 things that describe chair yoga and the transformative impact it can have on your health in just 10 minutes a day!

Aging is a wonderful thing - something to be grateful for - but it can also come with a few struggles. 

Aches and pains, weakness, health conditions, and low mobility are just a few of the physical influences of aging on the body. And when you suffer from so many disparaging effects at once, it can be hard to feel empowered and independent. 

But embracing health - and independence in the process - is as simple as picking up one skill: chair yoga

Chair yoga is more than just lounging in your kitchen chair and calling it exercise! It's a transformative practice adapted to be accessible for anyone, anywhere, and at any time. 

And in this simple guide to chair yoga for seniors, you'll master the skills necessary to be a chair yoga superstar, including:

  • Over 90 senior-friendly chair yoga exercises - no fancy terms, no stress, and only a little sweat required!
  • Easy-to-access videos and photos that guide you to perfection when it comes to your chair yoga practice
  • 3 skill levels for chair yoga: Never feel left behind with tailored practices for each level, whether you're on day 1 or day 100 of your practice
  • Specific modification guidance to make any pose accessible to you, no matter the struggle
  • A unique 28-day guide to building up your practice, guiding you from beginner to advanced...
  • ...but also, everything you need to get the most out of your practice even if you stay at a beginner level (no judgment - it's your practice!)
  • Transforming chair yoga into a social, travel-friendly, and time-effective practice

And much more.

Get ready to take a seat and reach those fingertips to the sky!

EAN: 9781738268719
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Publications JFD
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