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The Secrets of Household Toxins - Ismail Tahira
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The Secrets of Household Toxins - Ismail Tahira

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A clear, detailed, easy-to-read guide to finding and eliminating toxins in your household... even if you have a limited budget and no experience!

Are you living with hidden enemies?

The Secrets of Household Toxins" is an eye-opening journey into the unspoken hazards lurking in every corner of your home. This compelling book uncovers the truth about everyday products that we've innocently welcomed into our lives, revealing their potential to harm our health and well-being.

This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about their family's health. It skillfully navigates the reader through the maze of chemicals present in common household items-from the kitchen to the bathroom, and everywhere in between.

In 2020, 5,000 total tons of toxic chemicals were reportedly released inside homes all over California. And they all came from seemingly innocent, everyday products like dish soap, disinfectant, detergent, makeup, and skincare products.

You may not feel the effects now, but you will ten, fifteen, or even twenty years down the line. And so will your family.

Inside "The Secrets of Household Toxins," you'll discover:

  • 15 common household toxins that all homeowners need to be aware of.
  • Health Effects: Understand how household toxins can impact your health, including allergies and chronic conditions.
  • Personal Care Product Risks: Learn about harmful chemicals in everyday beauty products and find safer alternatives.
  • Kitchen Toxins: Discover toxins in cookware, storage containers, and food (and much more) and how to avoid them.
  • Detoxifying Your Home: Get simple steps to identify and replace toxic products for a healthier living space.
  • DIY Recipes: Bonus recipes for natural, cost-effective cleaners and personal care items.

And much much more!

This book doesn't just highlight problems; it offers solutions. It empowers readers with the knowledge to make informed choices and provides actionable tips for creating a toxin-free environment in their homes.

"The Secrets of Household Toxins" is more than a book-it's a movement towards a healthier, more aware way of living. Join the journey and transform your home into a safe haven. Ideal for health-conscious individuals, concerned parents, and anyone looking to make a positive change in their lifestyle.

Take the first step towards a cleaner, greener, safer home. Uncover the secrets hidden in plain sight-add "The Secrets of Household Toxins" to your cart now!

EAN: 9781068813207
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Ismail Tahira
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