Science and the Greys - Mason Jones L.
It is a little disturbing to think that hundreds of thousands of people could be so mentally affected as to claim they had been abducted by aliens. Even more disturbing would be to find out that they had. Yet, there are many highly qualified people who believe it. Among them, doctors, surgeons and various PhDs. Evidence seems to indicate that the ET phenomena is ancient. And, in these times, we seem to be on the brink of this evidence being brought to light. So, this book asks, what kind of preparation should humanity be receiving for such a monumental revelation, and it calls for urgent psychological preparation for humanity. The author suggests that through a deeper understanding of the reasons for extra-terrestrial visits over millennia, and a careful revealing of this reality by the appropriate institutions and professionals, humanity will learn to adjust to a new concept of ourselves and our role in the universe. With a careful and considered approach, we will not only learn to accept the huge change in perspective that will be necessary, but also learn to thrive in a new way of being in the universe.
EAN: 9781914390272