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Framley Parsonage - Anthony Trollope
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Framley Parsonage - Anthony Trollope

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Framley Parsonage is a novel written by Anthony Trollope and published in 1861. It is the fourth book in the Chronicles of Barsetshire series and follows the lives of the residents of the fictional village of Framley. The novel tells the story of Mark Robarts, a young and ambitious clergyman who becomes embroiled in financial difficulties after borrowing money from a wealthy landowner, Mr. Sowerby. Mark's troubles escalate as he becomes involved in the political machinations of his friend, Lord Lufton, and his mother, Lady Lufton, who disapprove of his association with the disreputable Sowerby. Meanwhile, the romantic lives of several other characters are explored, including those of Lady Lufton's daughter, Griselda, and her suitor, Major Grantly, as well as Mark's sister, Lucy, and her love interest, Lord Lufton's cousin, Arthur. The novel is a commentary on Victorian society, particularly the corruption and moral decay that can occur when ambition and social climbing take precedence over traditional values. Trollope's writing style is characterized by his attention to detail and his ability to create complex and realistic characters. Overall, Framley Parsonage is a compelling and insightful novel that explores the complexities of human relationships and the challenges of navigating the social and political landscape of Victorian England.1861. Prolific English writer of novels dealing with Victorian life. Framley Parsonage is one of the volumes of his Barsetshire series, which is for the most part set in the imaginary west country county of Barset and its chief town, Barchester. The Barset novels are where Trollope first begins to use the device of using reappearing characters in different books. The book begins: When young Mark Robarts was leaving college, his father might well declare that all men began to say all good things to him, and to extol his fortune in that he had a son blessed with so excellent a disposition. This father was a physician living at Exeter. He was a gentleman possessed of no private means, but enjoying a lucrative practice, which had enabled him to maintain and educate a family with all the advantages which money can give in this country. Mark was his eldest son and second child; and the first page or two of this narrative must be consumed in giving a catalogue of the good things which chance and conduct together had heaped upon this young man's head. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781417903900
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Anthony Trollope
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