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Quantrill and the Border Wars - William Connelley Elsey
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Quantrill and the Border Wars - William Connelley Elsey

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Quantrill and the Border Wars by William Elsey Connelley is a historical account of the infamous guerrilla leader William Quantrill and the violent conflicts that occurred in the border regions of Kansas and Missouri during the Civil War era. The book provides a detailed examination of Quantrill's life, tactics, and motivations, as well as the social and political factors that contributed to the outbreak of violence in the region. Connelley draws on a wide range of primary sources, including diaries, letters, and official records, to provide a comprehensive and nuanced portrait of this complex and controversial figure. The book also explores the lasting impact of the Border Wars on the region and the nation as a whole, and considers the ongoing debates about the causes and consequences of this turbulent period in American history. Overall, Quantrill and the Border Wars is a compelling and informative read for anyone interested in the Civil War, the history of the American West, or the complex social and political dynamics of the mid-19th century.1909. The story of the leader of the most savage fighting unit in the Civil War. Quantrill, outside of the heads of government, was the most widely known man connected with the Civil War. His place in the public estimation of the South was based upon a misapprehension of his life and motives. He voluntarily imposed himself on the South. He told little of his prior life, and that which he did tell was wholly untrue. It is due to the South that his life be revealed as it actually was. This is not designed to be Life of Quantrill, but an account of those incidents of the Border Wars in which he and his men were leading characters. Partial Contents: The Quantrill Family; Early Life of Quantrill; From Ohio to Kansas; Quantrill in Kansas and Utah; Quantrill as a Kansas Teacher; Quantrill as Charley Hart-Lawrence; Quantrill as Charley Hart-The Traitor-The Morgan Walker Raid; Quantrill the Forsworn-What He Told the Missourians; Aftermath of the Morgan Walker Raid; Quantrill's Return to Kansas; Quantrill Becomes a Guerrilla; Quantrill Becomes Notorious; Quantrill Outlawed; The Lawrence Massacre; Quantrill in the Summer of 1864; and The Last Battle.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781417909117
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William Connelley Elsey
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