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Love Affairs of the Vatican Or The Favorites of the Popes - Angelo S. Rappoport
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Love Affairs of the Vatican Or The Favorites of the Popes - Angelo S. Rappoport

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""Love Affairs of the Vatican Or The Favorites of the Popes"" is a book written by Angelo S. Rappoport that explores the romantic relationships and scandals that have occurred within the Vatican throughout history. The book delves into the personal lives of the popes and their favored companions, including mistresses, lovers, and even same-sex partners. The author provides a detailed and well-researched account of these affairs and the impact they had on the Catholic Church and its followers. The book also examines the political and social implications of these relationships, shedding light on the power dynamics within the Vatican. Overall, ""Love Affairs of the Vatican Or The Favorites of the Popes"" offers a fascinating glimpse into the secretive and often controversial world of the papacy.1912. This book was not written out of malice or love of scandal. It was conceived in a spirit of impartiality, animated by the wish to draw attention to the discrepancy existing between the noble and sublime teaching of Christ and the practice of His disciples. Dr. Rappoport endeavored to show the important part played by the favorites of the Popes, those Popes who preached abstinence and contempt for women, upon the history of the Vatican and Christianity. While exposing the intrigues of the Papal Court, he did not hesitate to do justice to the Popes who were worthy Vicars of Christ. In the result, he hoped that the reader animated by a sense of justice would find no cause of offense in this book, for he meant none. Illustrated. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9780766165236
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Angelo S. Rappoport
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