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Practical Military Topography - James Alfred Moss
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Practical Military Topography - James Alfred Moss

  • Map Reading And Sketching (1920)
Cena regularna122,72 zł
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Practical Military Topography: Map Reading And Sketching (1920) is a comprehensive guidebook written by James Alfred Moss. The book is designed to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the principles of military topography, including map reading and sketching. The author draws on his extensive experience as a military officer and instructor to provide practical advice and techniques for navigating and mapping terrain in the field.The book is divided into several sections, each covering a different aspect of military topography. The first section provides an overview of the principles of map reading, including the use of symbols and contours to interpret terrain features. The second section focuses on the art of sketching, providing step-by-step instructions for creating accurate and detailed sketches of terrain features.Subsequent sections of the book delve deeper into specific topics, including the use of compasses and protractors, the measurement of distances and angles, and the creation of military maps. The book also covers more advanced topics such as the use of aerial photography and the interpretation of topographical maps.Throughout the book, Moss emphasizes the importance of accuracy and attention to detail, stressing that even small errors in map reading or sketching can have serious consequences in the field. He also provides numerous examples and exercises to help readers practice and refine their skills.Overall, Practical Military Topography: Map Reading And Sketching (1920) is an essential resource for military personnel, adventurers, and anyone interested in the art and science of map reading and sketching.Also Assisted By Richard Threlkeld Cox.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9781120680327
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James Alfred Moss
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