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Christian Hermits Or The Lives of Several Distinguished Solitaries From the Earliest Ages of the Christian Church Until the 8th Century - Robert Blakey
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Christian Hermits Or The Lives of Several Distinguished Solitaries From the Earliest Ages of the Christian Church Until the 8th Century - Robert Blakey

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""Christian Hermits"" is a book written by Robert Blakey that explores the lives of several notable Christian hermits who lived during the earliest ages of the Christian church until the 8th century. The book provides in-depth biographical accounts of these individuals, who chose to live a life of solitude and contemplation in order to deepen their relationship with God.The book begins by examining the lives of some of the earliest Christian hermits, such as Saint Anthony of Egypt, who is considered the father of Christian monasticism. It then goes on to explore the lives of other notable hermits, including Saint Pachomius, Saint Benedict of Nursia, and Saint Columba.Throughout the book, Blakey provides detailed descriptions of the daily lives of these hermits, including their routines, spiritual practices, and interactions with the outside world. He also explores the impact that these individuals had on the Christian church and how their teachings and examples continue to influence Christians today.Overall, ""Christian Hermits"" is a fascinating and informative book that provides a unique insight into the lives of some of the most influential figures in Christian history. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of Christianity or in the lives of those who have chosen to live a life of solitude and contemplation in order to deepen their faith.1845. With extracts, both in prose and verse, from the �������Fathers of the Desert's,������� literary remains. The retirement of single individuals from the world, and their voluntary abandonment of every thing like social enjoyment and comfort, forms a curious, and in some points of view, an interesting feature in the early ages of Christianity. At first sight, there is certainly something unnatural and fanatic in this seclusion; but a closer inquiry into the nature of religion and the secret springs of human action may lead one to avoid any rash and unqualified censure upon such voluntary expatriations from social and civil duties and enjoyments.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

EAN: 9780766165854
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Robert Blakey
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