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eBook The Works of Edgar Allan Poe: Volume 3 - Edgar Allan Poe mobi epub
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eBook The Works of Edgar Allan Poe: Volume 3 - Edgar Allan Poe mobi epub

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Explore the compelling universe of Edgar Allan Poe with The Works of Edgar Allan Poe: Volume 3. Immerse yourself in "Spellbinding Tales of Gothic Terror and Eerie Suspense" that will transport you to the depths of Poe's mesmerizing imagination. In "The Raven," brace yourself for a chilling encounter as a lone protagonist grapples with an enigmatic visitor that will send shivers down your spine with every turn of the page. Feel the relentless beating of your own heart in "The Tell-Tale Heart," a tale of guilt that escalates into a haunting paranoia that will keep you guessing until the climactic conclusion. But Poe's brilliance goes far beyond that. Embark on a journey with the shrewd detective skills of C. Auguste Dupin in "The Murder in the Rue Morgue," the forerunner of the modern detective story. Prepare for "gripping mysteries with twisted plots" that will keep you guessing until the very end. Poe's mastery of atmosphere and "evocative prose that lingers, haunting the mind and imagination" will transport you to a realm of foreboding unease that lingers long after you've closed the book. With every turn of the page, you'll be captivated by the intricate exploration of the human psyche and the uncanny fixations that characterize Poe's writing. More than a century after his death, Edgar Allan Poe's stories remain as powerful and chilling as ever, ensuring that his legacy of horror and dark romanticism will continue to haunt readers for generations to come. Extraordinary Stories: Narrative of A. Gordon Pym Ligeia Morella A Tale of The Ragged Mountains The Spectacles King Pest Three Sundays In A Week

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EAN: 9788376395753
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Rok wydania
Edgar Allan Poe
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Zamówienie perfekt, produkt dokładnie spakowany i szybko wysłany, pierwszy raz korzystałem z tego sklepu i dzięki takiej obsłudze wrócę tu ponownie. Polecam serdecznie!
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