The Bibles of Babylon - Dennis H. Boone
- A Look into the Issue of Biblical Authority and Bible Versions
Many sincere Christians are unaware of the "questionable" changes that have been made to God's Word and the impact those changes have had, or will eventually have, on key Christian doctrines taught in the Bible (the King James Version-KJV). After studying and researching this controversial topic for thirty-two years, the author presents information that will address many questions you might have about the modern bible versions. It's a crucial issue for the church today because it will reveal a great deal about the nature of our commitment to biblical authority and our approach to the interpretation of Scripture. As Christians, we may not agree on every jot and tittle, but the author believes Christians who study God's Word are very astute people and deserve to know and understand the spiritual issues they face so they can make an informed decision based on biblical principle and the authority of God's Pure Word.
The Bibles of Babylon is not an exhaustive study about which Bible is the Word of God. Instead, it is an attempt to speak "the truth in love" (Eph. 4:15) while sounding a spiritual warning about the inherent dangers in using many modern bibles. It presents a simple, nontechnical approach to an issue that, hopefully, will challenge readers, and especially church leaders, to investigate for themselves the weight of evidence presented. There have been scores of books written for and against the KJV, so readers will need to decide on which side of the issue they stand. The examples presented in this book are just a small sampling of the thousands of changes that have been made to God's Word to cast doubt upon its veracity and cause confusion in the hearts and minds of His people.
The author's prayer is that all Christians, particularly Seventh-day Adventists, who truly love God's Word will carefully and prayerfully compare Scripture with Scripture to be certain what they read in one place of the Bible does not contradict what is said in another. Let's remember what God told His people through the prophet, Hosea: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6).
EAN: 9781479615674