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Rogue and the Necromancer - Ezekiel Mike

Rogue and the Necromancer - Ezekiel Mike

  • Farah's Forbidden Magic, and Dreams about Dragons
59,46 zł
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Step Into a World Where Magic Breathes and Dragons Roam

Embark on an unforgettable journey through a land embroiled in shadow and light, where the fate of realms rests on the shoulders of a rogue and a necromancer. Rogue and the Necromancer: Farah's Forbidden Magic, and Dreams about Dragons unveils an epic tale of desire, destiny, and dragons that will ensnare your heart and ignite your imagination.

Imagine a world where the morning light glistens over farmlands, signaling not just a new day but the dawn of adventures for an unlikely hero. Farah, marked by magic, finds herself in the crucible of her destiny, wrestling with powers that threaten to consume her and desires that could unravel the fabric of her world. Beneath the veil of night, whispers of a forbidden love and the haunting dreams of dragons begin to carve out a path that could lead to salvation or destruction.

With every page turn, traverse through echoes of tragedy and vows in the moonlight, where rogues rise and heroes are forged in the fires of trial and loss. The tale of Farah unfolds through enchanted forests, ancient ruins, and the very skies themselves, entwined with the enigmatic allure of necromantic magic and the indomitable spirit of dragons. This saga will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions and adventures, featuring a cast of characters as diverse and dynamic as the magical realms they inhabit.

As alliances are tested and secrets come to light, Farah's quest for power and purpose draws her ever closer to her destiny. From the bright glades where elf magic thrives to the deep dungeons where darkness whispers, her journey is one of self-discovery, fraught with choices that will define the era to come. Will Farah embrace the forbidden magic that beckons her, or will the dreams of dragons remain just out of reach?

Don't miss your chance to experience this mesmerizing tale of adventure, magic, and dragons. Rogue and the Necromancer: Farah's Forbidden Magic, and Dreams about Dragons beckons you to lose yourself in a world where the line between hero and villain blurs, and where every choice could lead to glory or despair. Take your first step into a saga that promises to captivate your senses and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic and might.

EAN: 9781456647698
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Ezekiel Mike
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