Healing is the Children's Bread - Elaine Bonn C
- Receiving and Ministering God's Gift of Healing
Healing is the Christian's Bread is a useful tool that can shed light on many perplexing questions surrounding the subject of divine healing. Elaine brings a sound and balanced insight into possible causes of illness, and she then presents biblical solutions to removing obstacles that hinder the healing flow. The life-giving principles contained in this book are sure to benefit every reader.
Elaine has been teaching healing and praying for the sick for more than twenty years. This book, therefore, is a must-read for all those who want to establish a solid foundation for healing in their lives and also to have a ministry of healing to others.
Jesus paid such an incredible price to purchase abundant life for us that I long to see as many people as possible have the joy of walking in the good health and perfect wholeness that He has provided. This is my prayer for you as you begin to read these pages. You, too, are about to embark on a journey. What you will encounter along the way will be biblically based, but you will also find plenty of real-life stories and practical applications that you can incorporate into your own personal life. This is a journey meant for all those who are hungry for what God has to offer, and I trust that you are among them. If so, may you receive a goodly portion, for Healing Is the Children's Bread, and may you then go out and use it to feed others who are also hungry
EAN: 9781581580556