- How To Write A Business Book & Use It As A Marketing Tool
In society today more individuals are recognising the power of becoming an Author – the authority that it gives and the idea of using it as a marketing tool for their business. The common challenges that Michelle Watson has noticed and experienced herself is that firstly authors tend to get their book published but no thought or action taken into what happens next, leaving many books in boxes, stored in sheds or stuck on a bookshelf doing shelf development. Secondly, other individuals have a powerful story, experiences and amazing content that society could benefit from, whilst enabling them as the author to be seen as an expert in their field but they have either started working on the book and then spent time procrastinating so it doesn’t get completed or they have not started at all because they are unaware of how to get the content from their head, into a book and published or even the steps they need to take in order to make it possible. If this sounds familiar then this book is for you as these amongst many other questions Michelle answers in this amazing book. Michelle gives step by step process, guide and strategies on how to not only write your book and use it as a marketing tool but also on how to get visibility and earn passive income. Are you ready to finally let your story be heard and gain the value you deserve or are you going to leave this earth carrying your legacy with you?
A story not told is a message not heard and a life not saved.
EAN: 9781999620141