The Iliad - Homer
"The Iliad," attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer, stands as one of the greatest epic poems in Western literature. Set against the backdrop of the Trojan War, the narrative unfolds with a powerful exploration of the human condition, courage, and destiny. At its core, the tale follows the hero Achilles and his fellow warriors as they clash with the Trojans in a conflict fueled by gods and mortals alike. Filled with vivid characters, intense battles, and timeless themes of honor, pride, and the inevitability of fate, "The Iliad" transcends its historical context to deliver a universal and enduring portrayal of the complexities of war and the enduring spirit of humanity. This epic masterpiece continues to captivate readers with its poetic language, moral dilemmas, and profound insights into the nature of heroism and mortality, cementing its place as a foundational work of Western literature.
EAN: 9781774819371