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Minimalism - Feldmann Vladimir
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Minimalism - Feldmann Vladimir

  • The Advice On Minimalism For Simple Living At Home Includes A Guide To Becoming Minimalist, As Well As Recommendations For Designing Beauty, Balance, And A Sustainable Lifestyle In Order To Save Money And Reduce Stress; Tiny Spaces, And Net Ze
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Our homes have the potential to become overpowering to us over time. When there is a buildup of clutter and things you feel you can never get rid of, an interior that was once relaxing and inviting can become claustrophobic. This is because of the accumulation of clutter. Little treasures of memories and commonplace items that we have accumulated throughout our lives are scattered around our homes.

Recently, the term "minimalism" has likely been used rather frequently, particularly in the context of ecologically conscious practices. The idea gradually began to reach the forefront of our consciousness as the number of people adopting minimalist lifestyles rose. One of the goals of minimalism is to get closer to the things that provide you pleasure. Please don't trust it. Everyone is well aware that the quality of life has nothing to do with consumer goods and that substance is not a criterion for success. Living a minimalist lifestyle, you are liberated from debt, unrest, and the rat race. When you eliminate something alien to you, whether an unused item, a needless purchase, or an unmet mission, it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

The majority of other books are theoretical and teach you about the history of minimalist living and the idea behind it. This book will teach you those topics and provide you with questions and applications that you can use in your regular life to help you put what you learn into practice. You will quickly get constructive advice on how to reduce the amount of clutter in your house, as well as in your life, to discover a more profound meaning in the relationships you have and the experiences you have, rather than the superficial meaning that comes from having a lot of material possessions. You will be able to take pleasure in the more profound aspects of life with the assistance of this book, which will assist you in holding your money and your possessions loosely.

In this book, minimalist ideas will be broken down into simple, bite-sized morsels for easy comprehension. In addition to many other topics, we will discuss minimalist stress reduction, budgeting, and organization. Join the rest of the crowd, download the book immediately, and discover why minimalism is becoming an increasingly popular trend.

EAN: 9781835735244
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Feldmann Vladimir
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