Narcissism - Frederick Charlton
- Explore The Underlying Causes Of The Disorder And Develop A Strong Defense Against Narcissistic Control And Manipulation (The Reality Regarding The Issue Of Being The Offspring Of A Narcissistic Mother, And Strategies For Resolving It)
Are you still experiencing difficulties as a result of being in a relationship with a narcissistic or psychopathically abusive individual? Many individuals encounter this issue. Regrettably, easily accessible information is scarce online, in the written study, or from counselors and therapists who can assist. Narcissistic Victim Syndrome lacks official recognition and is somewhat obscure.
Despite its acceptance, recognition, and awareness, few individuals know how to address and remedy the situation effectively. Being in a long-term relationship with a narcissistic mother can have enduring and highly detrimental repercussions on the one experiencing them, resulting in significant trauma.
Have you ever been curious to reveal the cunning subliminal methods employed by manipulators to exert control over individuals? Are you interested in exploring the obscure aspects of psychology and discovering the ominous tactics that can be utilized to shield oneself from perilous individuals? Alternatively, would you like to acquire the skill of persuasion and learn to exert influence over others? Consequently, this publication is aimed at you.
Suzie Logan's book delves into the complex dynamics of romantic relationships with narcissists, exposing the subtle tactics of deception, gaslighting, and emotional abuse that frequently trap their victims. Suzie's book thoroughly examines the topic, emphasizing answers and providing remedies for people in need.
Gain insight into how gaslighting causes one to dispute their perceptions and memories by distorting reality. Gain insight into the subtle methods by which narcissists undermine one's self-worth, resulting in a sense of vulnerability and helplessness. You will regain your autonomy and be able to liberate yourself from their detrimental influence with the knowledge you have gained.
EAN: 9781835734810