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The Lost Expedition - Douglas Smith
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The Lost Expedition - Douglas Smith

  • The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3
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The Thrilling Conclusion to the Multi-Award-Winning Trilogy

Will is the Dream Rider, the superhero who walks in our dreams but never in the streets of his own city. Case is his girlfriend, a survivor of those streets who hears voices warning her of danger. Fader, her brother, is very good at disappearing.

In The Hollow Boys, they defeated a body swapper and a witch to save the world. In The Crystal Key, they battled warring cults to protect an ancient artifact tied to Will's affliction. The Chakana. The Crystal Key. But the key to what? To finding answers, they hope, to the questions that rule their lives.

What caused their strange powers? And Will's crippling agoraphobia? Can he be cured? Why did their parents travel to the jungles of Peru eight years ago? Are they still alive? 

Behind every question is the Chakana. What is the mysterious relic? Why will people kill to possess it? What hold does it have on Will?

As creatures from Inca myths haunt the three friends, another attack on the Chakana threatens Will's life. To save him and solve the mystery of the lost expedition, only one choice remains. Return to Peru. With the Chakana.

There, they find friends and foes, both old and new. And behind it all, an unseen enemy moving them like pieces on a chessboard.

To win this deadly game, Will, Case, and Fader must master new powers to defeat the most dangerous adversary they've ever faced. A god.

At stake this time? Every life, every world, every universe. Everything.


Indiana Jones meets Teen Titans in The Dream Rider Saga, a fast-paced urban fantasy trilogy from "one of Canada's most original writers of speculative fiction" (Library Journal).

"Smith powers to an explosive conclusion in the finale of his Dream Rider series, a lavishly concocted ride brimming with magic, mystery, and mayhem... [and] bursting with dark magic, beastly protectors, and a slew of extraordinary fantasy characters ... Smith skillfully probes deeper messages behind all the fun, as the main players face the consequences of humankind's disregard for the Earth-and each other. ... Takeaway: Explosive conclusion to this spectacular fantasy joyride." - BookLife (Editor's Pick)

Praise for The Hollow Boys (The Dream Rider Saga, #1)

2023 Aurora Award Winner for Best Young Adult Novel | 2023 IAP Award Winner for Best Young Adult Novel

"This arresting series kickoff grips from the start as it introduces its inventive milieu, its flawed but fantastically powered hero, its playful worldbuilding, and a host of tantalizing mysteries. ... [A] vigorously imaginative scenario. ... Takeaway: Thrilling YA fantasy" -BookLife (Editor's Pick)

Praise for The Crystal Key (The Dream Rider Saga, #2)

"The richly inventive Dream Rider adventure continues in this second appealing entry...of Smith's epic YA series. ... An exciting plot...always enlivened by the Smith hallmarks of crack dialogue, fun sleuthing and puzzle-solving, a strong through-line of emotion, a swift pace...and a principled refusal to settle for the familiar. ... This thrilling superpowered urban fantasy series continues to grip." -BookLife (Editor's Pick)

EAN: 9781928048312
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Douglas Smith
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