- A Journey Towards A Loving God
Ron Faccenda's "Essential Awareness" is not a book to be read...this manuscript is a conversation with God.
Written from experience of his own awakening into Sacred Awareness, Ron provides a practical guide for talking with God
and listening to God. Packed with scripture and life promoting contemplation,
Essential Awareness offers you the opportunity to enter the conversation.
This book is structured with individual thoughts or nuggets such as these:
"Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8
"For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings." Hosea 6:6 ESV
Every wound Jesus received at His crucifixion was an act of love for you.
(Ron) shares what he has experienced and learned in his own faith journey in a very readable and meditative fashion as a means of
supporting you on your way.
- Father Michael S. Suslowicz
Roman Catholic Priest, Diocese of Pittsburgh
This book will serve as a map to what I consider to be The Promise Land, joy in perfect relationship with the Holy Trinity
and peace within the Body of Christ.
- Elizabeth M. Smith, MA, LPC,
NCC, Licensed Trauma Psychotherapist, Friend
I found this little book, which the author states from the beginning to be simple and basic, to be most enlightening and a
source that will be helpful in my own spiritual journey.
- Father John Batykefer
Roman Catholic Priest, Diocese of Pittsburgh
Tackle this book a little at a time by praying it through and you are sure to find yourself in a different place in your relationship
to God when you finish the book, truly providing a powerful vision of love...
- Kristina Kendralla Centinaro
Director of Faith Formation
I believe any reader will walk away with a better appreciation of how to start their own journey, and a better understanding of
how to start making the small changes to everyday life that will become embedded in their actions. I found Essential Awareness
to be a guide for living a better Christian life in today's culture.
- Daniel Simoni
Partner, PWC, LLP
EAN: 9781633022423