And So It Begins... - Stephanie J. King
And So It Begins...opens windows ' doors to new insights ' understanding that you may not have realised existed. Like an oracle/truth mirror/real time life guide, it will quickly highlight your soul purpose ' life agenda. You'll know exactly who you are, what you're part of, what's going on with ' life around you, what you're able to achieve ' contribute, where ' why things get stuck as well as ways you can effortlessly change this. You'll view differently past ' present; your karma, talents, gifts ' strengths, how others push your buttons ' why you react - to stop what you no longer need - repeating.
From teenage to elderly this book is already helping thousands to reassess what they've known, to rekindle dreams ' goals, to turn life around ' get happy. It highlights the negatives to give you more choice ' spins things around for the better... Read it as a book or dip into its pages (perfect for busy lifestyles), you'll actually feel yourself interacting with higher levels, with Source, wit your own Spirit Guardian/Angel/Guide as if in direct conversation with a friend on a soul-to-soul level. Empowered ' completely in tune with where you are - you'll breeze through all aspects of life/love/work/family/home ' move forward with ease, clearing clutter ' blockages accumulated through generations ' the years that you've personally been here. Become healthier and happier with renewed energy ' confidence, positivity, focus ' life zest. Helping you also to help others - you'll become a light worker - for what you give out will always come back. In this manner you'll help life heal itself...
This life that you're living is far from over yet - so let the 'best that can be' - filter in...
EAN: 9781915465030