A YEAR IN BALANCE - Angela Koehler Cominos
- A Spiritual Guide to Finding Your Next Right Step
A YEAR IN BALANCE: A Spiritual Guide to Finding Your Next Right Step is a daily spiritual devotional with a reflective theme for each month. Each day highlights a word, quote, story, and challenging question that supports the theme of the month. This book inspires you to either launch a spiritual practice or to enhance your current spiritual journey. A Year in Balance provides a holistic guide to well-being, focusing on the balance of mind, body, and spirit. The daily reflections guide you to reach your potential by looking within, slowing down, and listening to your quiet whispers of intuition. Day by day, you will discover that all the answers are found within you - your light, center, home, and internal navigation system are there to guide you to your next right step in the journey to your authentic self.
Angela Cominos Koehler is a Well-being Coach, RYT 200 Yoga Teacher, and an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist with more than thirty years of corporate experience in training and development. She teaches corporate breathwork and meditation sessions as well as workshops on mindfulness and gratitude. She has published an article titled "Finding Mindfulness in the Workplace" in West Michigan Woman as well as at the "Awakenings" chapter in Flying by the Seats of Their Skirts. Angela lives in Saugatuck, Michigan, with her husband and has two sons, a daughter-in-law, and two "bonus" daughters. Visit her at www.pathfindercoaching4u@yahoo.com to stay in touch.
EAN: 9781639452576