Who Am I Now? - Maureen Watson
- Spiritual Perspectives for Seasons of Change
Who Am I Now? offers spiritual perspectives for seasons of change. Loss and change are inevitable. Transitions can be exciting or disheartening, expected or sudden, gentle or piercing. Regardless of the specifics, major changes usually bring some degree of confusion and distress. Might you frame your responses to your unsettling days differently if you bring intentionality, focus, and prayer with you into the storm?
Who Am I Now? considers the uncomfortable loss of identity that accompanies any season of change. Through personal and scriptural stories, each chapter offers a paradoxical possibility, not instead of but in addition to the surface reality. Far too often, we are taught to push past the difficult emotions that mark seasons of change. This book doesn't do that. Dr. Watson honors the complex feelings these seasons bring.
Dr. Watson brings her unique background in Spiritual Formation, Theological Education, and Medicine to bear on this rich but challenging topic. Each chapter offers a slightly different lens through which you may consider, or reconsider, your own seasons of change. The invitations in this book are meant to speak to you privately and personally as you seek to answer the question, over and over again: Who am I Now?
Maureen Watson is a Physician in Indianapolis, Indiana. She also has a Master's Degree in Theological Studies and is a Certified Spiritual Director. This unusual background allows Dr. Watson to bring intentional focus to each area of the spiritual journey: body, mind, heart, and soul. Dr. Watson has previously been published in Weavings and Spiritual Life. Her own favorite Spiritual Formation authors also teach through stories: Teresa of Avila, Evelyn Underhill, Henri Nouwen, and Philip Yancey.
EAN: 9781630734084