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Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line - Dean Crisp
AutorzyDean Crisp
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Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line - Dean Crisp

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A veteran police chief's hard-won lessons on leading yourself, leading others, and leading an organization.

Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line is just that - lessons learned the old-fashioned way through trial and error, studying, hard work, and experience while on our nation's front lines to serve and protect. Dean Crisp spent decades leading people where a single misstep could cost a life. Faced with the daily challenges of a police chief, Dean threw himself into learning all he could about effective leadership and applying those lessons in his departments. He shares those hard-won lessons in this book.

Dean lays the book out into three key sections that build on each other to help you become a better leader: Leading Yourself, Leading Others, Leading the Organization. Dean's approach to leadership is built on his concept of Diamond Leadership, a four-point method that creates a self-perpetuating synergy for positive change. Dean has taught this method in elite conferences to countless rising leaders, and now he brings it to you.

"I think that all leaders want to be really good at leading and most seek ways to improve. Some are even willing to go to extraordinary lengths to become the best. I am hoping this book will inspire others to be their best and to constantly strive to get better, to shoot for the stars, to get outside their comfort zones, and to push themselves to become remarkable." -Dean Crisp

Built on the success of Dean's debut leadership book, Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line, this new release features a revised approach to the curriculum, expanded information, and a streamlined formula to develop the leader within you.

Essential Leadership Lessons from the Thin Blue Line uses personal anecdotes to drive home the human element of leadership and will connect with you at any point on your journey to becoming a significant leader.

"My motive and intent in writing this book is simple: I want to provide the reader with leadership lessons and experiences which I hope will help you, the reader, to become a better leader and, more importantly, a better person." -Dean Crisp

EAN: 9781611533798
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Dean Crisp
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